Anawana Haloba

Anawana Haloba is a multidisciplinary artist from Zambia living and working between Oslo, Norway, and Livingstone, Zambia.

In her work she uses poetry in the form of sketches, which are abstracted into performance-based pieces that incorporate moving images, objects, and sound. Her work is an ongoing investigation into the positions of different communities within varied political, social, economic, and cultural contexts, and ideological and post-independence frameworks. She completed her BA at the National Academy of Arts, Oslo (2006), and completed a residency at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam. She is currently completing a PhD in artistic research at the University of Bergen, Bergen. Haloba’s work has been featured in both solo and group exhibitions, including the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC; Venice Architecture Biennale, Venice; and Manifesta 7, Trentino.

Fellow Cycle 1
Disciplines Artistic Research, Criticism, Film, Sound Art, Video Art, Visual Art