Gabriela Munguía

Gabriela Munguía is a transmedia artist from Mexico. Working at the experimental borders of art, science, and technology, she explores territories and environmental phenomena to address issues of geopolitics and environmental justice.

Munguia is currently director, academic researcher, and professor of the advanced diploma in environmental humanities at the crossroads of art and technology of the National University of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires. Munguía is founder of Invisible Ecologies Lab, and a member of Electrobiota collective, AIseeds Project, Colectiva Ecoestéticas, Acampe RadioActivo, and BioJuego. Her work has been exhibited in international exhibitions and festivals throughout the Americas, Europe, Iran, and Egypt as well as Ars Electronica Festival, Linz; Pompidou Center, Paris; International Biennial of Contemporary Art of the South, Argentina and Brazil; Piksel Festival, Bergen; Festival Transpiksel, Mexico; and Latin American Festival of Arts and Technologies, Concepción. Recently, she received the CIFO-ARS Electronica Award (2022), and a Mention at Prix Ars Electronica (2022), among others.

Fellow Cycle 1

Instagram: @gabo_munguia

Disciplines Artistic Research, Performance, Sound Art, Visual Art

