Jared Onyango

Jared Onyango is a dancer based in Nairobi, Kenya, whose research interests include choreography, writing, and issues of environmental conservation.

He trained as a dancer at P.A.R.T.S (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in Brussels, Belgium, and at Ecole des Sables in Toubab Dialaw, Senegal between 2010 and 2019. In 2016 Onyango was a Pina Bausch Foundation Fellow for dance choreography, where he collaborated with Italian choreographer Francesco Scavetta of WEE Dance Company. His recent projects explore movement in public space and how built environments affect the movements and behaviours of people within them. Recently, he has been working on the project Orodha Oracle, which investigates plastic waste and river pollution in Nairobi river and the Dandora dumpsite in Nairobi. Onyango is one of the founding members of Tempo Arts Centre, a rehabilitated quarry situated between the Nairobi river and the Dandora dump ground.

Fellow Cycle 1

Instagram: @onyangojaredo

Disciplines Dance, Literature, Performance

