Nursalim Yadi Anugerah

Nursalim Yadi Anugerah is a composer and multi-instrumentalist whose work focuses on sonic experimentation through cultural practice, knowledge production, and the cosmology of Indigenous people and their activism related to socio-cultural and environmental issues in Kalimantan, Borneo.

His work contains echoes of diverse genres — including Kalimantan Indigenous music and symbols, the Indonesian underground noise scene, ritualistic chants, and European avant-garde compositions — which enable his overarching political project: a critique of ecological devastation and the question of survival. Through his work, Nursalim highlights the junction between ecology, technology, and decolonisation; and forges a path through the impasse between theoretical academic discourse and Kalimantan’s environmental catastrophe.

Fellow Cycle 1

Instagram: @nursalimyadi_

Disciplines Artistic Research, Film, Photography, Video Art, Visual Art

