Aslı Uludağ

Aslı Uludağ is an artist and a researcher based between Istanbul, Turkey, and London, United Kingdom. Her work investigates the history, materiality, and spatio-temporal qualities of contemporary techno-scientific, architectural, and legal interventions to the environment.

She utilises tracing, wandering, and gathering as a fieldwork methodology to explore the local practices, narratives, and material processes that reveal local entanglements and expose the politics of these interventions. She shares her research through performative processes, mapping, multimedia installations, workshops, non-fiction writing, and speculative narratives. Recent exhibitions, workshops, and residencies include: Life, Death, Love, and Justice, Yapi Kredi Culture and Arts, Istanbul; Manifestations of the Unground, EXN Lagoon, online; IASPIS Residency Programme, Stockholm; Spot on Economies, PACT Zollverein, Essen; Knotting Narratives, SALT, Istanbul; and 5th Istanbul Design Biennial, Istanbul. Uludag received her MA in research architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London, London, and is currently working towards her PhD in the same programme.

Fellow Cycle 1

Instagram: @asliuluda

Disciplines Artistic Research, Design, Performance, Visual Art